Anna Leone Baxter Combs lived 93 years from 1903 - 1998 During her life she left a musical legacy in this Grande Ronde Valley. If you listen quietly, you may be able to hear piano music floating through these halls from her music students practicing their lessons, and playing recitals in the Union Hotel Parlor so many years ago. Anna Leone played piano and organ and often accompanied many other musicians, particularly her husband, Nephi Combs (The Bird Man), who was a whistler, lecturer and imitator of bird calls.
When you step into this cool-green, country decorated room, you will notice a lovely sitting room with a daybed and twin sized trundle with a conveniently placed microwave and refrigerator. There is a queen bed in the bedroom and a claw-footed tub and shower in the bathroom. The daybed and trudle bed provide two sleeping areas in addition to the queen bed. The trundle bed pulls out from under the daybed and will rise if desired.